Who is at risk of STDs?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and who is at risk of STD are a constant concern for many people across various countries, particularly in Vietnam. Recognizing the danger of these diseases and the need for information about them, Docosan aims to help readers find answers through the article below. Check and detect STD at home with […]

Physical therapy and rehabilitation procedures

Physical medicine and rehabilitation, also known as physical therapy, is a branch of medicine. It plays an important role in the treatment of patients who are recovering from surgery, injury, or being treated for a disabling health condition. Physical therapy may also be necessary for any condition that affects the nerves, muscles, bones, or brain, […]

Docosan – Nền tảng đặt lịch khám bệnh dễ dàng với các bệnh viện, phòng khám, bác sĩ uy tín

Sau một chặng đường phát triển đầy gian nan, Docosan đã nhận được sự ủng hộ và tín nhiệm của nhiều đối tác lớn nhỏ trong cả nước. Đã có hơn 2.000 đối tác là bệnh viện, phòng khám và bác sĩ hợp tác với Docosan, 75.000 dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe chất lượng […]

What does a negative HIV test result indicate?

A negative HIV test indicates that the person tested is not infected with the HIV virus. However, false negatives can occur due to inadequate testing time or incorrect procedures. So, what should you do when encountering true negative and false negative cases? Docosan will help answer this question in the article below. What does a […]

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